Mr. Rit Syamananda was elected as a Director at AIIB on July 1, 2024, after being an Alternate Director since November 2023. He currently holds the position as the director of International Economic Policy Division at Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Thailand. He is responsible for the international affairs of the ministry. In this role, he oversees the participation of Thailand in multilateral development banks, including AIIB, as well as Thailand participation in World Bank and Asian Development Bank. His position also engages him in international cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral such as ASEAN, ASEAN+3 and APEC as well as liberalization in financial services.
Mr. Rit served Thai Government at Office of the Board of Investment. He then moved to the Fiscal Policy Office where he spent most of his career at the Tax Policy Division and International Economic Policy Division. He later became the director of both divisions.>
Mr. Rit holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Boston University, Boston, MA, US. He obtained his Bachelor of Economics degree from Thammasat University in Thailand.
Home About AIIB Governance Board of Directors Rit SYAMANANDA